Objectives and lines of research
Objectives and lines of research
- Diabetes. Glycation processes and chronic complications. Different glycation mechanisms are studied, both for advanced glycation products (pentosidine), and early glycation markers (HbA1c, fructosamine) and their association with micro and macroangiopathic complications.
- Autoimmunity. Peptides processed and naturally presented by preproinsulin-derived CD8 lymphocytes are identified and the characterization of autoantigens in type 1 diabetes is studied. Vaccine development. Detection of new risk markers.
- Study of molecular markers. New markers are studied and designed for the diagnosis of genetic diseases. Pharmacogenomics. Genetic and biomolecular markers are studied to justify the high biological variability of HbA1c and the possible detection of patients as high, medium and low glycerators.
- Cardiovascular risk markers. A cohort study with 43,000 patients has been developed to study Lipoprotein(a) as the main cardiovascular risk screening factor, independent of other traditional risk markers.
- Lipoprotein(a) and Angiogenesis. Study of the molecular mechanism through which the high prevalence of Lp(a) would justify the lower collateral circulation of the population with high levels of Lp(a), which represents 25% of the general population. To this end, an array of angiogenesis and antiangiogenesis markers is being designed to study in patients with different levels of Lp(a) and their angiographic correlation with the development of collateral circulation.