
Governing Council
All the organizations that are part of the IDIS are represented in this body:
- President: The Head of the Galician Department of Health, or the Director of the General Directorate of Health Insurance and Planning
- Vice-President: the Chancellor of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) or the Vice-chancellor for Research and Innovation.
- 6 Members: 3 appointed by the Galician Department of Health y another 3 appointed by the chancellor of the USC.
- Scientific Director, having a say, but no vote in the sessions of the Governing Council.
- Secretary: this position is shared by 2 members of the Governing Council or held by a person appointed for this purpose. In this case, this person has a say, but no vote. The secretary attests to the agreements adopted and is the custodian of the administrative documentation.
- President: Antonio Gómez Caamaño. Head of the Galician Department of Health.
- Vicepresidente: Antonio López Díaz. Chancellor of the University of Santiago de Compostela
- Members:
- Ángel Facio Villanueva. Manager of the Health Area of Santiago de Compostela and Barbanza.
- José Ramón González Juanatey. Head of the Cardiology Service of the Health Area of Santiago de Compostela and Barbanza.
- Enrique Domínguez Muñoz. Head of the Digestive Service of the Health Area of Santiago de Compostela and Barbanza.
- Julián Álvarez Escudero. Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the Uni-versity of Santiago de Compostela.
- Ángel Carracedo Álvarez. Full Professor of the Department of Forensic Sciences, Pathological Anatomy, Gynecology and Obstetrics and Pediatrics of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
- José Luis Labandeira García. Full Profesor of the Departament of Morphological Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
- Pilar Bermejo Barrera. Vice-chancellor for Scientific Policies of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
- Antonio Fernández Campa. Manager , Galician Agency for Knowledge Management in Health (ACIS).
- María Luz Couce Pico, Scientific Director of the Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (no vote).
- Isabel Lista García, Managing Director of IDIS Foundation, acting as secretary (no vote).
Julián Álvarez Escudero
Lead researcher of group AC03 - Critical Patient
Pilar Bermejo Barrera
Vice-chancellor for Scientific Policy of the University of Santiago de Compostela
Angel Carracedo Alvarez
Area Coordinator A002 - Genetics and Systems Biology. Lead Researcher of the group C002 - Genetics
M. Luz Couce Pico
Scientific Director of the IDIS - Lead Researcher of group C012 - Metabolic Disorders
Juan Enrique Domínguez Muñoz
Lead researcher of group C009 - Translational Research in Diseases of the Digestive System
Ángel Facio Villanueva
Manager of Health Area of Santiago de Compostela and Barbanza
Antonio Fernández Campa
Manager. Axencia de Coñecemento en Saúde
Antonio Gómez Caamaño
Conselleiro de Sanidade
José Ramón González Juanatey
Area Coordinator A006 - Cardiovascular. Lead Researcher of group C016 - Cardiology
José Luis Labandeira García
Area Coordinator A004 - Neurosciences. Lead researcher of group C018 - Experimental Neurology of Parkinson's Disease
Isabel Lista García
Managing Director IDIS Foundation
Antonio López Díaz
Chancellor of the University of Santiago de Compostela
External Scientific Committee
The External Scientific Committee of IDIS is a body made up of recognized professionals of international reference in the fields of knowledge of the Institute, in charge of ensuring the scientific quality of the activities performed by IDIS and contributing to its improvement. The External Scientific Committee´s mission is to advise the management and governing bodies of the Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela in order to guarantee the highest standards of quality regarding scientific and training activity of the IDIS and the compliance of the objectives agreed in the strategic plan.
Ángeles Almeida Parra
Deputy Director of the Biomedical Research Institute of Salamanca
Melchor Álvarez de Mon Soto
Head of the Department of Medicine and Medical Specialties of the University of Alcalá de Henares, Madrid
María del Carmen Ayuso García
Scientific Director of the Health Research Institute of Jiménez Díaz Foundation
Joan Comella Carnicé
R&D Director of San Joan de Deu Hospital (Barcelona)
Encarnación Guillén Navarro
Head of the Medical Genetics - Pediatrics Service of the Virgen de la Arrixaca University Clinical Hospital, Murcia
María Rosario Luquin Piudo
Clinical Researcher of the Health Research Institute of Navarra
Antonio Vidal Puig
Professor of Molecular Nutrition and Metabolism. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Internal Scientific Committee
The Internal Scientific Committee (CCI), chaired by the IDIS Scientific Director, whose regulations establish that it is composed of IDIS staff representing the priority scientific areas of the IIS. Different types of researchers must be represented and comply with the principles of gender equality. It must also include research trainers, innovation and quality personnel of the IIS, as stated in the organizational documents of the IIS. The Internal Scientific Committee (CCI) of IDIS is a commission that aims to represent all the research areas and technical staff of the Institute, in order to advise its Scientific Directorate on scientific, strategic and organizational aspects, as well as make the appropriate decisions on the functioning of the Institute. The CCI roles involve the following activities:
- To advise the IIS Director regarding scientific, strategic and organizational issues.
- To analyse and present suggestions for all plans and operational normatives, especially for the strategic plan, including the integration and the training plans.
- To follow the monitoring of the IIS activities, especially those related to the above-mentioned plans.
- To validate the Annual Scientific Report.
- To propose the annual scientific goals to be achieved and the action plan to develop them to the governing body.
- To be the body for the participation of the research areas and groups in the scientific governance of the IIS.
- To assess of project application proposals and establish their prioritization, if included in their regulations.
- President: María Luz Couce Pico. IDIS Scientific Director.
- Members:
- José Víctor Álvarez González. Postdoctoral researcher. R2 representative.
- Ángel Carracedo Álvarez. Area leader, Genetics and Systems Biology.
- Miriam Cebey López. President of IDIS Quality Commission.
- Manuel Collado Rodríguez. President of IDIS Training Commission.
- Silvia Costas Abalde. IDIS Research trainee. R1 representative.
- Anxo Fernández Ferreiro. President of IDIS Innovation and Transfer Commission.
- José Ramón González Juanatey. Area leader, Cardiovascular.
- Francisco Gude Sampedro. Area coordinator, Platforms and Methodology.
- José Luis Labandeira García. Area leader, Neurosciences.
- Isabel Lista García. Managing Director, FIDIS.
- Rafael López López. Area coordinator, Oncology.
- Miguel López Pérez. R4 researchers representative
- Mabel Loza García. CIMUS Directorate representative, Deputy Director.
- Miguel Ángel Martínez Olmos. Area coordinator, Endocrinology.
- Federico Martinón Torres. Area leader, Infectology, infammation and vaccines.
- Laura Muinelo Romay. Miguel Servet Researcher. R3 representative.
- Mabel Sampedro Parada. Innovation and Transfer Manager, Responsible. Works Council member.
- Ana Vega Gliemmo. R4 researchers representative.
- Sandra Vidal Martínez. Responsible of Nursery
- Secretary: José Ramón Castro Ruibal. IDIS Research Manager.
Non-scientific actors:
- Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer – AECC.
- Afundación Obra Social Abanca.
- Consello Social USC.
- Grupo FRINSA del Noroeste.
- Federación Galega de Enfermidades Raras e Crónicas – FEGEREC.
- Financiera Maderera S.A. FINSA.