About Us

The Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS) is a biomedical research center of marked translational character that takes advantage of the synergies of the University Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela (CHUS) and the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) to promote and encourage excellent research, scientific and technological knowledge and its subsequent transfer to the productive sector, as well as teaching and training, focused on a clear objective: to improve the people´s health.

It was created on January 31, 2008, by means of a collaboration agreement between the Consellería de Sanidade, the Servizo Galego de Saúde and the University of Santiago de Compostela. Since March 2010, the IDIS holds an accreditation as research center issued by the Carlos III Health Institute (National Health System), extending such accreditation on May 18, 2015 and on March 10, 2020.

Currently 1,338 people are integrated into 112 research groups, organized into 7 research areas: (A001) Oncology, (A002) Genetics and Systems Biology, (A003) Endocrinology, (A004) Neurosciences, (A005) Platforms and Methodology, (A006) Cardiovascular and (A007) Infectology, Inflammation and Vaccines.


research groups

research areas

In 2023, 1008 original scientific articles, editorials and reviews were published in 632 international journals indexed in the Journal Citation Report with a total impact index of 7,432 and an average impact index of 7.4. From those publications, 533 are in the first quartile (Q1) and of these, 214 are in D1. An amount of € 52,309,190 of funding, divided in 120 competitive research projects, 81 HR contracts/fellowships, 277 clinical studies and 411 contracts and collaboration agreements, has been acquired in 2023.

In the educational field, IDIS researchers have carried out intense work, supervising 90 doctoral theses.

publications in 2023

publications in Q1

publications in D1

Activity memory


We are a translational biomedical research center that involves professionals with a sole objective : to improve the health of citizens.


To consolidate our position as a research center of reference, at both national and international level, in the innovative approach of the great challenges of the population in the healthcare field, promoting at all times the transfer of high impact results to society.

  • Integration and collaboration
  • Communication and transparency
  • Leadership and research excellence
  • Innovation and result transfer orientation
  • Responsibility to and for society