Flow cytometry



FACSAria IIu sorter                                                   Cytek Northern Lights

La Unidad se complementa con cabinas de flujo laminar, incubadores, centrífugas, microscopía de fluorescencia y confocal, lo que permite a los usuarios realizar dentro de la Unidad la mayoría de sus experimentos, evitando problemáticas de viabilidad celular en el caso de sorting.

The cytometry-sorter platform of the Santiago de Compostela Health Research Institute (IDIS) is a unique scientific-technological infrastructure that provides service to all IDIS research groups, as well as Galician universities and the regional biotechnology sector.

Flow cytometry is a cell analysis technique that allows the light scattering and fluorescence characteristics of cells to be measured when they pass through a beam of light. The main objectives of this platform are:

  • To advise IDIS users on the principles and applications of flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting.
  • To develop, optimize and carry out new analytical applications demanded by researchers and users.
  • To do cell isolation through cell sorting.
    Quantify different soluble cytokines using multiplex tests.
The FACSAria IIu cytometry-sorting platform allows the analysis of up to 9 parameters of particles between 0.5 and 100 µm, with a maximum speed of 70,000 events per second. This makes it possible to identify different cell populations within the same sample, determine the presence of molecular markers, measure the amount of each of these markers, quantify total cells, populations and subpopulations; it also allows microparticles to be recognized as microvesicles and even nanoparticles. Likewise, the sorting function enables the physical separation of populations based on the 9 parameters, thus obtaining purified cells or clones for cell cultures, proteomic/gene expression studies or cell therapy.

The characteristics of the platform make it an ideal tool for obtaining a large amount of information in the areas of molecular and cellular biology, pathology, immunology, inflammation, genetics, oncology, hematology, cardiology, neuroscience, among others.

IDIS internal fee External public organizations External private organizations
Characterization without CDU 43,29 € 56,28 € 90,04 €
Characterization with CDU 45,84 € 59,20 € 95,36 €
Data analysis/ reporting/ consultancy 16,81 € 21,85 € 34,96 €

VAT not included


Pablo Hervella Lorenzo
