UPDATE: New dates
The Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela Foundation (FIDIS), under the coordination of Dr. Antonio Piñeiro, organises a new edition of the “Online Webinar on Ophthalmologic Ultrasound” from
October, 15th to November, 23th 2020.
The webinar pretends to update the knowledge on the features, advantages and indications of the Ophthalmologic Ultrasound as a diagnostic tool. Also, its aim is to acquire practice with different specific ultrasounds for eyeballs and orbit. The webinar will be both theoretical and practical and will be given by staff from the Unit of Adult Surgical Retina and Intraocular Tumors (URQUTIA), Ophthalmology Departament, University Hospital Complex of Santiago de Compostela.
Fee 100€.
Resgistrations open at this form. More information on 00 34 981 951 195 or cursos.fidis@sergas.es