Atlantic KET MED_Webinar #8: Additive Manufacturing Solutions for Medical Technolgogy SME´s.
14th September, 2021 – 10:00 a. m. (UK Time)
Atlantic KET MED is the Interreg Atlantic Area project that supports SMEs and Start-ups in using Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) to produce next-generation medical devices.
The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) is a partner in the EU funded programme, offering access to technical support and facilities in additive manufacturing (3D printing) for medical technology SME’s across the Atlantic area of the EU.
The webinar will provide insight and guidance into the product development process for medtech innovation, focused on additive manufacturing and the importance of early product design considerations to inform suitable material selection and prototype development. We will also share information on facilities, equipment and expertise available to bring your products to life and a number of use cases in medical technologies.
10:00 Welcome and Introduction to Atlantic KET MED Programme
Delyth Edwards, Atlantic Ket-Med Programme Manager, UKRI-STFC
10:10 Product development in med tech
Richard Hall, Founder and Managing Director of Design Consultancy, PdM
10:35 Material Selection and Facilities for Additive Manufacturing in Medtech
David Bogg, Manager, Campus Technology Hub, UKRI-STFC
Andrew Conley, Advanced Manufacturing Engineer, UKRI-STFC
11:00 Q&A
11:10 Discussion in Break Out Rooms
11:25 Wrap up
11:30 Close
Joining instructions and a zoom link will be sent to those who register 1 day before the event.