AC13 – Dermatology and Craniofacial Pathology (DePaCra)

Objectives and lines of research


Lines of research

  • Oral cancer and pre-cancer: This line includes all aspects related to these pathologies, particularly with regard to early diagnosis considering the conditioning factors of the disease, the health system, the clinician, and the patient himself.
  • Oral implantology: Includes oral rehabilitation through osseointegrated implants, in its diagnostic, surgical, prosthodontic, and educational aspects for patients and training for professionals.
  • Craniomandibular dysfunction: Covers the diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of temporomandibular dysfunction, including rehabilitators.
  • Oral biopsy: Clinical and pathological procedures in the diagnosis of pathologies in the oral cavity, both local and systemic disorders.
  • Health education: Health education of the population in primary and secondary prevention of oral pathologies and promotion of healthy lifestyles, including the identification of intervention targets.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea: Study of OSAS and contributions to its treatment from Dentistry.


Research team
Varela Centelles, Pablo Ignacio


Bilbao Alonso, Arturo
Blanco Hortas, Andrés
Bugarín González, Rosendo
Da Silva Domínguez, José Luis
Mora Bermúdez, María Jesús
Rilo Pousa, Benito
Santana Mora, Urbano Alejandro
Santana Penín, Urbano Antonio
Seoane Lestón, Juan Manuel
Seoane Romero, Juan Manuel


Lead researcher

Pablo Ignacio Varela Centelles

Pablo Ignacio Varela Centelles