E032 – Preclinical animal models


Objectives and lines of research


The research group focuses its studies on the zebrafish model organism, which in recent years has become a fundamental tool in biomedicine for in vivo trials.

Lines of research

  • Xenotransplantations of established tumor cell lines and primary patient lines into zebrafish embryos for the analysis of effectiveness of conventional and other anticancer drugs in the development phase
  • Toxicity analysis of chemical compounds and drugs in zebrafish embryos
  • Toxicity and effectiveness tests of nanoparticles with anticancer compounds in zebrafish embryos and tumor-developing lines (adults)
  • Model development through gene knockout (morpholinos) and transgenesis (to overexpress or inhibit gene expression)
Research team

Sánchez Piñón, Laura

Cabezas Saínz, Pablo
Otero Obarrio, Mónica África
Quelle Regaldie, Ana
Rubiolo Gaytán, Juan Andrés


Lead researcher

Laura Sánchez Piñón

Laura Sánchez Piñón