by editor.balidea | 18 January 2022
ÁREA: INFECTOLOGY, INFLAMMATION AND VACCINES Objectives and lines of research Objectives Our research group focuses on the study of new mechanisms involved in the development of chronic diseases that affect the digestive tract. In particular, we have great interest in...
by editor.balidea | 18 January 2022
ÁREA: INFECTOLOGÍA, INFLAMACIÓN Y VACUNAS Objectives and lines of research Objectives The objective of the different lines of research of the Musculoskeletal Pathology Group are the diseases that most prevalently affect the locomotor system. These pathologies include...
by editor.balidea | 18 January 2022
ÁREA: INFECTOLOGY, INFLAMMATION AND VACCINES Objectives and lines of research Objectives The objective of our group is to improve the clinical management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis using observational and experimental studies with genetic, cell and...
by editor.balidea | 18 January 2022
AREA: INFECTOLOGY, INFLAMMATION AND VACCINES Objectives and lines of research Objectives Our lines of research are aimed at the study of new drugs in the treatment of rheumatic diseases and epidemiological studies. Research team LeaderPérez Pampín, Eva María...
by editor.balidea | 17 January 2022
AREA: INFECTOLOGY, INFLAMMATION AND VACCINES Objectives and lines of research Objectives – Molecular epidemiology of Hepatitis viruses – Molecular epidemiology and antibacterial resistance in Mycobacterium spp – Development of molecular methods...