María Pardo Pérez
Investigadora líder del grupo E023 - Obesidómica
Dr. María Pardo obtained her doctoral thesis at the Dept. of Physiology of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). Then, she moved to the Dept. of Biochemistry at Oxford University in 2003, where she became specialized in proteomic techniques applied to clinical research as a Research Associate. In 2006 she returned to Santiago de Compostela to establish the Obesidomic Group with an I Parga-Pondal Senior Research Programme (USC/Xunta de Galicia). Since 2009, she is a Miguel Servet researcher at the University Clinic Hospital of Santiago within the IDIS. Currently, her group comprises a multidisciplinary team of clinical doctors and surgeons working hand by hand with molecular biologists in a hospital/clinical setting which makes it possible to carry out observational studies, clinical trials, patient databases, etc. Currently she has more than 70 peer-reviewed publications, 1 clinical practice guide, and she is supervisor of 7 PhD theses, h-index 25, with more than 2385 citations. She is member of the Spanish Research Network in Extracelllular Vesicles (TENTACLES), Coordinator of the Galician Research Network in Extracellular